eNLiGHTENMENT Series Decisions December

Join us to learn how we constantly impact those around us, and in turn, their decisions influence us. Use a priority pyramid to align your goals with your priorities. 

We would love to have you join us:

Workshop: Tashi Deley - Decisions December

Date + Start Time:  December 4, 2024 11:00-12:30 pm (CST)

Location: Virtual, Zoom information email sent upon purchase

During this workshop you will explore the following questions:  

  • Do you have a filter by which you make all your decisions?
  • How different would your life be if you align your priorities with your goals?
  • Who are the people in our sphere we subconsciously allow to make decisions for us?
  • What would happen if you said "no" to something?

Ready…Set…Let’s GROW!   

$30.00 USD

Consent to Recording. I hereby consent to the electronic recording of my participation in the Tashi Deley eNLiGHTENMENT series.  I understand that the recordings are available to others participating in the programing and are accessible on demand. 

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