What to expect from the eNLiGHTENMENT Series?

The Tashi Deley eNLiGHTENMENT Series is a monthly virtual workshop to grow your emotional intelligence... The more you engage, the more you practice, the more eNLIGHTENMENT you will experience. No matter which concept you choose to practice, you will:

Discover Patterns

Decide Direction

Design a New Way

eNLiGHTENMENT Membership

$300 Per Year

$360 Save $60 by investing in the year long journey!

  • Live Virtual Monthly Workshops
  • Online Access to Video Library 
  • Downloadable Tools
  • Community Collaboration

Membership means unlimited access

Join us LIVE the first Wednesday of every month from 11:00 - 12:30PM (CST)

See more than one eNLIGHTENMENT topic you'd like to learn? Join the Tashi Community for a year long journey:

  • Transformational Topics: Judgement, Forgiveness and Motivation
  • Enjoy unlimited access... any topic, any time, anywhere
  • Practice these concepts with family & friends

Monthly eNLiGHTENMENT Series Topics for 2024!

Judgment January

January 3, 2024 

  • What unhelpful talk track plays in your head on repeat?
  • Are you aware you have a judge/inner critic?
  • Are you aware it is your main saboteur?
  • Your judge is tricky and it will try to convince you of many things that are untrue... Join us as we learn where our judge comes from and how to name it, claim it, and tame it!

I wonder what you would chase, dream or go after if our judge didn't sabotage us?


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Forgiveness February

February 7, 2024

  • Whom do you have a damaged relationship with?
  • Who when their name comes to mind do you have hurt, animosity, and resentment towards?
  • So many people say "Ali I know I should forgive, I just don't know how to." Or "Ali I want to forgive, I just don't know how to, I am so hurt."

Join us as we learn how to forgive ourselves and others more quickly and confidently.


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Mask-Off March

March 6, 2024 

  • What mask do you wear daily?
  • Maybe you are unaware you are even wearing one?
  • Where are you most authentic/inauthentic? Why do you think that is?
  • What keeps tripping you up from going after what you want most?
  • I had no idea the number of masks I was wearing until I started to peel them back.

Join us as we unpack the person we were created to be by making visible what is getting in our way.

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Assumptions April

April 3, 2024 

  • Are you aware you have an invisible ladder you carry around daily?
  • Are you aware your brain rewards you every time you make an assumption?
  • Are you aware that many of your assumptions are inaccurate or incomplete?

Join us as we learn how to not "believe everything we think." We will learn about a tool called the "ladder of assumption" and how simply being aware of it can change your life/the relationship with yourself and others!

Purchase the Recording!

Motivation May

May 1, 2024 

  • What gets you out of bed in the morning... what is this all for?
  • What are your priorities?
  • How do you know what to say yes and no to?

Join us as we reveal your priority pyramid and how you can use this tool to live out your priorities and have a more
fulfilling life!



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Joyful June

June 5, 2024

  • Do you believe there is a difference between Joy and Happiness?
  • Why do you think most humans have an underlying level of discontent? 

Join us as you rediscover what brings you true joy, not just temporary happiness!


Purchase the Recording!

Justice July

July 10, 2024 

  • What were you created for?
  • They say, whoever "they" is, that the true test of a person's character is where they stand at times of great difficulty and controversy? 

Join us in learning what an "emotional hijack" is and how to come down from one without hurting yourself or the relationships you hold so dear!

Purchase the Recording!

Authentic August

August 7, 2024

  • What is the most ideal version of you?
  • How do you get back to the ideal version of yourself when you become misaligned? 
  • Who were you before the world told you whom you ought to be?
  • What is the most real version of you?
  • Who are you and what is the part of you that was conditioned to be by outside factors?

Join us as you uncover and discover your true essence, be reminded of who you really are and what behaviors mirror that authentic version of you!

Purchase the Recording!

Sexy September

September 4, 2024

  • Who plus you... do you desire to be more intimate with?
  • With your sexual partner, what level do you tend to hover at?
  • What would it take to get to the next level?
  • Who would you have to be?

Join us as you learn how the seven levels of intimacy work in sequence. You cannot jump to the next level of intimacy without succeeding on the previous level. 

Purchase the Recording!

Opinion October

October 9, 2024

  • Where in your life do you have a fixed mindset?
  • Where in your life do you have a growth mindset?
  • Who's opinion do you hold in high regard and WHY?
  • At times do you stew over things others have said to you?

Join us as you learn how to rethink your thinking and allow more helpful thoughts and opinions to replace the ones that sabotage us. Let's learn how to let go of opinions of others and ignite the leader within!

Purchase the Recording!

No-Vent November

November 6, 2024

  • Have you ever thought about "venting" as something that could be toxic to your body, family, team?
  • Do you ever feel worse after venting about a situation? 
  • Can you feel stress in your life elevate when venting about a situation?

Join us as we navigate the emotional responses of venting and learn new ways to deal with situations that can cause stress and anger among others we surround ourselves with.

Register Now!

Decision December

December 4, 2024

  • Do you have a filter by which you make all your decisions?
  • How different would your life be if you align your priorities with your goals?
  • Who are the people in our sphere we subconsciously allow to make decisions for us?
  • What would happen if you said "no" to something?

Join us to learn how we constantly impact those around us, and in turn, their decisions influence us. Use a priority pyramid to align your goals with your priorities. 

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